No.DUBA/cons/434/MR/2020-139 Date 08/09/2020 Mr Sounir S/o Ramdjee resident de 10b Weymouth Street LE46FN Leicester UK and Miss Nikita Dilipkumar Jethalal resident de Viral complex Block No 2/780 Fit Road Opp taj Society at Veraval Junagadh PIN 362265 Gujarat India. Present Adresse Flat No 26 Gulab Bldg Meena Bazar Bur Dubai Dubai Emirates Arab Unis. Mr Sounir S/o Ramdjee citoyen francais et Nikita D/o Dilipkumar Jethalal citoyenne Indienne resident actuellement au Emirates arab Unis ont donne un avis de mariage prevue entre eux en vertu de la loi sur le mariage etranger 1969. Si quelqu’ un a des objections au mariage propose. Il/Elle doit deposer le meme soussigne selon la procedure prevue dans l’acte/reglement dans un delai de trente jours a compter de la date de publication du present avis Jitender Singh Negi Marriage Officer & Consul (consular and labour)
Consular General of India PO box 737 Dubai UAE / Fax No:009714-3970453 Email: / NOTICE
No.DUBA/cons/434/MR/2020-139 Dated 08/09/2020 Mr Sounir S/o Ramdjee resident of 10B Weymouth Street LE46FN Leicester UK and Miss Nikita daughter of Dilipkumar Jethalal resident of Viral complex Block No 2/780 Fit road Opp, taj Society at Veraval, Junagadh PIN 362265 Gujarat India. Present address Flat No26 Gulab Bldg. Meeana Bazzar Bur Dubai UAE. Sounir S/o Ramdjee French national and Nikita D/o Dilipkumar Jethalal Indian Indian national presently residing in UAE have given notice of intended marriage between them under the foreign Marriages Act 1969. If anyone has any objection to the proposed marriage He/she should file the same with the undersigned according to the procedure laid down in the act/rules within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice. Jitender Singh Negi Marriage Officer & Consul (consular and Labour) Consular general of India PO box 737 Dubai UAE / Fax No:009714-3970453 Email : / Homepage: